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Rome and the Barbarians at Palazzo Grassi

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Recalling some events among which the first clashes between Romans
and Germans, the 'Roman' Empire of Charlemagne and also the sackings of
Rome by the kings Alaric and Genseric, Attila's campaign thoughout
Europe, Clovis' conversion...

The exhibition is gathering a great
number of archaeological treasures coming from the most famous museums
in Europe, Africa and America.

Some of the pieces will be showed to the
public for the first time, the exhibition will shed light on the
richness and the technical skills of those populations that have shaped
the European cultural heritage.


For more information:

Palazzo Grassi

San Marco 3231- 30124 Venezia

041 5231680

Price of ticket:
€ 15,00 - € 10,00 - € 6,00

01-26-2008  07-20-2008
- 09:00

calling 041 5286218


Book online