Pierre Cardin and The Light Palace
Everybody knows or have heard about Pierre Cardin. The famous french stylist known for his avant-garde look of fashion and who inserted the spatial move in his creations.
The stylist opened several galleries in Venice but not only of clothing, also of art, internal desing and the artist really loves the city where he comes many times a year.
Like all the artists of the world, Pierre Cardin has many ideas and the one that would like to present you is for sure the most important ever: The Light Palace.
This structure thought by Cardin and his architects should be built in Porto Marghera, the place just before the bridge which divides Venice and the mainland. The project should be high 200 meters and the first ecological palace ever built in the middle of a industrial area. This point also can be a problem; the area chosen by Cardin's architects is reserved by the Eni Society (Italian Light and Gas Industry) but the staff of the artist is decided to wait until the negociations.
"Le Palais Lumière" should in in 2 copies. One in front of Venice, a city he always loved, and the other in Paris. The palace represents the absolute expression of Pierre Cardin who always joined during 60 years of work the concept of sculpture and utility, here he is once again at 88 years old with a fantastic idea.
Here is the project: