Ruga degli Oresi: new ideas for Rialto area!!!
Ruga dei Oresi is the street that goes from Rialto Bridge to the Market Area.
This is one of the busiest part of the city, and one of the oldest as well (i.e. just few meters from the bridge there is San Giacometto Church, probably the oldest of Venice!!!).
This area was reserved to the commerce of the gold, but everyone knows that things changes! Most of the shops were closing. For this reason the Government of Venice decided to change his mind and to eliminate this rule.
Result? New shops are opening!!!
But the opening of new activities will be limited: they will have to be usefull for the venetian cityzens. So no more souvenirs, soccer t-shirts and similiar things! The project of Soprintendenza include a complete renovation af the area and a re-organisation of the small shops facing the street.