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The regatta of the Befane

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On  6  January, for over thirty years, riotous race is held between the senior  partners  of the  Bucintoro, one of the oldest rowing club in Venice. For the occasion, these veterans of the oar masquerade as old witch  and dressed up  with long skirts, shawls and bonnets, compete along the central section of the Grand Canal from San Toma to the Rialto Bridge. Following in the footsteps of rowers append many boats  with  Santas  and  Witches  that make the event even more characteristic. 

The Regatta lasts no more than 15 minutes, but still has a huge amount of followers amongst enthusiastic supporters, sympathizers and onlookers who crowd near the arrival. Here, volunteers of the “ Forza Rosa” entertain the crowd by offering hot chocolate, mulled wine and candies, as bodes well for the new year just begun.


Information and contacts

Reale Società Canottieri Bucintoro 1882 S. D.

Salt warehouse "Gack"-263, 30123 Venice Dorsoduro

Tel and Fax: + 39 (0) 41 52 05 630






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